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Rite of Sodomy - Vol V

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Product Description

In 1992, the introduction of the “beatification cause” of Pope Paul VI was made by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference and Vicar General of Rome.

The cause for Paul VI moved easily forward until 1997 when new evidence concerning Paul VI’s “unnatural vice” brought the process to a grinding halt. However, recent news reports from
Rome indicate the beatification process has been put back on a fast track by Pope Benedict XVI. Hence, the importance of this concluding volume which summarizes the evidence in support of the
charges of homosexuality against Paul VI.

•As a young seminarian, the melancholy effete Montini possessed two passions—one for politics, and the other for reading including the homo-erotic writings of sodomite Oscar Wilde, whose
works at the time (1917) were still difficult to secure. …

•During the 1930s, Msgr. Montini, an upward-bound Vatican diplomat was reported to have had a homosexual affair with English Chargé d’affaires Hugh Montgomery, brother of homosexual
Peter Montgomery, partner to Cambridge spy, Anthony Blunt. …

•After his election, Pope Paul VI was identified as a homosexual prelate by such diverse personages as former French diplomat Roger Peyrefitte, the Abbé Georges de Nantes, head of the
Counter-Reformation Movement, author Franco Bellegrandi, former member of the Vatican Noble Guard, and Pietro Cardinal Palazzini, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes
of Saints. …

Where’s the Devil’s Advocate when you need him?

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