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San Diego Bishop Brom Press Release Except from The Rite of Sodomy 5 March 2007

National Media Release


Randy Engel, author, The Rite of Sodomy
New Engel Publishing
Box 356, Export, PA 15632
Phone  724 – 327 – 7379
E-Mail:  newengelpub@riteofsodomy.com

March 6, 2007


            Homosexual Prelates Add Extra Risk Factors in Diocesan Bankruptcy Cases



            “Who can expect the flock to prosper when its shepherd has sunk

            so deep into the bowels of the devil ... Who will make a mistress

             of a cleric, or a woman of a man? ... Who, by his lust, will consign

             a son whom he spiritually begotten for God to slavery under

             the iron law of Satanic tyranny.”


                                                                        Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072)




Pittsburgh, PA… “The recent filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy by Bishop Robert H. Brom of the Diocese of San Diego is an excellent example of how homosexual prelates in the Catholic hierarchy place their dioceses at extra risk for clerical sexual abuse lawsuits, abuse cover-ups and potential bankruptcy,” says Randy Engel, author of The Rite of Sodomy – Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church.


Engel noted that the Catholic laity of the San Diego Diocese, who will ultimately foot the bill for the bankruptcy filing of February 27, 2007 and subsequent settlements for victims of clerical sexual abuse in the diocese, “have been forced to face some painful truths about homosexual shepherds  – the first of which is that private vice has public consequences and the second, that the cover-ups connected with the crime of clerical pederasty are closely connected to the rise of the Homosexual Collective both within and without the Church.” 


Bishop Brom is one of more than 25 Catholic bishops and cardinals whose homosexual history is documented in The Rite of Sodomy (www.riteofsodomy.com). ***


“The tragedy is that the Holy See was aware of Bishop Brom’s  predatory homosexual record while he was Bishop of the Diocese of Duluth, Minn., but Pope John Paul II nevertheless made him Coadjutor Bishop of San Diego with the right of succession in May 1989,”  said Engel. “There is no time like the present for Pope Benedict XVI to correct his predecessor’s mistake, and replace Bishop Brom with a shepherd that does not fleece his flock and seduce his spiritual sons,” concluded Engel.


The End



***An electronic copy of the 8-page excerpt with endnotes on the charges against Bishop Robert H. Brom found in Chapter 14 of The Rite of Sodomy by Randy Engel is available on request from randy.engel@riteofsodomy.com.  For additional ordering information on The Rite of Sodomy go to www.riteofsodomy.com.