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Judith A Reisman Book Review



Judith A. Reisman on The Rite of Sodomy




Investigative journalist Randy Engel’s 1312-page book, The Rite of Sodomy – Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church (www.newengelpublishing.com)  is an encyclopedic history with a detective thriller read. To her study of the “homosexual revolution,” Engel brings the vision of an objective scholar and the language of an erudite storyteller.


Her saga of the “homosexual collective” travels from antiquity to modernity—its pederastic underpinnings spanning the centuries with unrelenting vigor across cultures and across time. Engel’s concern for the survival of the Catholic Church, evident in an earlier investigation, Sex Education—The Final Plague, has found full expression in The Rite, her latest tome.


Engel gives especial recognition to Father Enrique Rueda for his meticulous and pioneering expose, The Homosexual Network (1982). Rueda himself endorsed The Rite of Sodomy as addressing “the rise of homosexuality and pederasty within the American Catholic hierarchy, the diocesan priesthood and religious orders.”


My own in-depth studies of Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s male and female sexuality books (1948, 1953) were secular in intent. However, the proofs of Kinsey’s fraudulent data (as normalizing all sexual deviance, e.g., homosexuality, pedophilia, sodomy in law and mental health) fully support Engel’s concerns for how such frauds continue to direct the Catholic priesthood and religious life.


Engel has produced a powerful, diligently documented, and reliable study; it should be read carefully by all responsible Americans.



[Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., California Protective Parents Association, Scientific Advisor and author of;  Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, (1989, US Dpt of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007), "Soft Porn" Plays Hard Ball (1990), Kinsey, Sex & Fraud (1991), Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences (1998, 2003) and forthcoming, Kinsey's Attic: The Shocking Story of How One Man's Sexual Pathology Changed the World.  drjudithreisman.com]